Wednesday, February 06, 2013

February 6 2013

Countdown to Valentine's Day and Don Juan. Rodin's Eternal Spring.

Daily Stuff: Went in today to teach. There was a mix-up and Max was there as well, so I let him do the class and I worked in the office.

In rehearsal, we worked more on Act Three. Worked Max more into the two wedding dances. Worked the rest of the dancer's into the Celebratory dance as well. I like the way it is going to work with the two layers of interest upstage and downstage.

Then I started working on the last sequence in the Act. The wedding itself was set fairly quickly. Nice and dramatic. That is followed by a simple round dance that Max can observe and feel left out of. Then the women from his Dream come back to haunt him, followed by his visualizing of the young couple. All very interior and romantic. Began the final pas de deux for the young couple. Put in a very nice sustained lift. I usually shy away from them but in this case it works beautifully.

Taught my adult class in the evening. Very nice turnout.



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