Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10 2013

Rehearsal Elana Lewis in Mambomania Fall 2012  Photography : Manny Rotenberg
This section was an interesting one for me. Its a group piece that is lead by a female soloist. When I first set it, I knew the dancer I wanted to create the piece for, but she wasn't quite ready for it. Point of fact was that she wasn't even in the original cast. So it was performed by a technically good, competent dancer with a strong personality. While that first dancer was well received, she wasn't what I really felt the part needed. The next year I was able to recast the part with the girl I originally wanted, who brought a more ambiguous, remote quality to the part. Making me much happier.

Daily Stuff: Taught company class today.  personally thought it was a good class, but you never know. In rehearsal, we worked on the Dream. We got about a third of the way through the 3rd movement of it. FInger crossed and we can finish it tomorrow. Also re-ran the gypsy solos.



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