Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Odds and Ends

Starting the workweek had a lot of odds and ends to deal with. 

Was called into the Old Globe to help put in an understudy for The Age of Innocence. It is a world premiere piece that I choreographed a little waltz for. Lovely cast and director. One of the actors was just walking around in "real life" and rolled her ankle. So she had to be replaced for the day. The show opens in two days, so (fingers crossed) she will be better by then.

Also had to do a logistics meeting for a gala I am helping out with. It is for CAF (Challenged Athletes Foundation). They do great work helping differently-abled people who wish to excel in sports. The gala is next week and has lots of moving parts, including a choir from Africa... all on a rotating stage... in a tent. So that killed some brain cells for a bit.

And then f course we have... Don Juan. All goes well. 

Had a nice meeting with Marcie, the wardrobe mistress. Pulled most of the costumes. Repairs of course need to be done and some need to be replaced, but not that many.

Ticket sales are going well. The show will be a little outsized for the stage, but that will just mean that it will have a nice generous quality.

Started working on Act III tody, the wedding scene. I had forgotten that it is pretty much just non-stop dancing. I mean, it just never stops :) Today, I worked with a principal couple, while Stephanie taught the background couples their parts. Tomorrow, we will put them together and try to finish it. That will just leave a section for Don Juan with the girls, his entrance and exit for the ballet, and a family scene at the beginning of the piece that had to be delayed due to illness. With any luck we will be done by Saturday. That should give us a nice cushion.



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