Friday, February 24, 2012

Feb 24 2012

Rehearsal for SDB's Romeo et Juliet. Photographer: Gregory Olive. Dancers: Abby Avery & Max Tchernychev. A kiss goodbye.
Rehearsal for SDB's Romeo et Juliet. Photographer: Gregory Olive. Dancers: Abby Avery & Leila Gardner in the foreground. Tiffany Koepke & Stephanie Maiorano in the background. We now come to a section, I always call the Crazy Nurse. This was the last section of the ballet that I found the proper music for. Once I had pretty much set everything else I had this large section of exposition (the Nurse lets Juliet know that Lady Capulet is on a tear. Lady Capulet forces Juliet to marry Paris. Paris makes a re-entry and exit. Lady Capulet, Juliet and the Nurse all fight,) that still needed to be set. As I was searching through discarded music, I found a piece that I would never have used for anything else, because it sounded a bit clownish and satiric. It was a dance for 5 Couples that normally went in the ballroom scene. But when I listened to it now, everything just magically fell into place.

Daily Stuff - Reviewed Don Juan. Completed Max's solo and worked more on the pas de deux. Originally I was going to have the corps gypsy girls do a short dance after the pas, but I decided that I would try to include them in the pas when the music swells. Right away, I knew I had made the correct choice. But it is slow going as I don't want to rush it. Since I am happy with the way things are turning out, I don't want to change my process.

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