Sunday, May 06, 2012

May 6 2012

Rehearsal for SDB's Romeo et Juliet. Photographer: Manny Rotenburg. Dancers: Stephanie Maiorano & Max Tchernychev. When I started choreographing the piece over 5 years ago, I really didn't realize what a nice vehicle it would be for a variety of dancers.
Rehearsal for SDB's Romeo et Juliet. Photographer: Manny Rotenburg. Dancers: Stephanie Maiorano & Max Tchernychev. I think all 3 Juliet's have been able to find themselves in the part.
Rehearsal for SDB's Romeo et Juliet. Photographer: Manny Rotenburg. Dancers: Stephanie Maiorano & Max Tchernychev. While retaining the choreographic integrity of the piece.

Daily Stuff - Just got back from Los Angeles. Got to see an exhibition of mexican and american female surreal artists at Los Angeles County Museum of Art. It was entitled In Wonderland. Thought it might give me some insights into Alice:Wonderland, but I was more inspired by the Airstream trailer, Eames chairs and 60's bathing suits at the California design exhibit next door. I think that the In WOnderland show was just a bit too overwhelming. Surrealism is challenging enough when you are just dealing with one artist's inner workings. But this had 50 different artists. It was the kind of thing that you would need to spend a week dissecting.

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