Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Jan 6 2012

Rehearsal for SDB's Romeo et Juliet. Photographer: Gregory Olive. Dancers: Noriko Zaragoza, Tiffany Koepke, & Leila Gardner. Still in Juliet's bedchamber.
Rehearsal for SDB's Romeo et Juliet. Photographer: Gregory Olive. Dancers: Stephanie Maiorano, Noriko Zaragoza, & Tiffany Koepke. Here we have all three of Juliet's handmaidens in a shot together. Stephanie actually has a character name... Rosalind. In the Shakespeare play, the character is only referred to as the the reason that Romeo and co. sneak into the Capulet ball, but we never see her.

Daily Stuff - Had a very nice opening for The Toughest Girl Alive at Moxie last night. At the moment, I am sitting at San Diego Airport on my way to Las Vegas. I will only be there for one night, but will at least get to see Ka at the MGM Grand. Then drive back to San Diego tomorrow. And then two days to figure out scheduling for the next few weeks. We have a lot to do in a little time.

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