Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nov 23 2011

Rehearsal for SDB's Alice:Wonderland. Photographer:Manny Rotenburg. Dancer: Tiffany Koepke. First arabesque. Clarity of movement and line is important in dance. The audience must be able to understand what you are trying to communicate. You can put all of your passion and soul into a dance, but if it is illegible, then it is pointless to put it on a stage.

Tomorrow, we head off for Montana. This morning, I had to cover for one of the instructors at the ballet school who teaches adult classes in the morning. Adult classes are great because they are made up of two different kinds of students. Adults who have been dancing for most of their lives (and want to stay involved) and adults who have always wanted to dance (and just got the nerve to do it). They aren't under the illusion that they are going to be professional dancers. Their motives are more about self-improvement.  So they work differently. And their goals seem to be more "in the moment."

After that I had a rehearsal with the Snow King and Queen. They weren't on Robin's rehearsal schedule today, so they requested I come in and work with them. Usually, rehearsals are set by Robin or myself. However, if a particular dancer (or group of dancers) feels that they would like more rehearsal on a particular piece for a clear reason, I try to work with them. Personally, I could be in a rehearsal room all day long, so for me its just more of a chance to have fun. There are a few exceptions to that rule however :)

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